Cost of Living

The Knoxville region's cost of living is 13% below the national average, with housing at 25% below the national average a major factor.

Knoxville MSA

City State Composite Grocery Items Housing Utilities Transpor-tation Health Care Misc. Goods & Services
Knoxville TN 86.7 99.1 74.5 93.5 89.3 87.8 88.7
Atlanta GA 98.3 101.3 98.4 81.1 99.4 109.2 99.6
Charlotte NC 96.5 100.3 88.2 88.8 93.6 110.6 102.7
Chattanooga TN 90.7 97.1 87.9 92.5 88.1 92 90.3
Chicago IL 113.4 103.5 137 89.2 107.2 107.7 107
Cincinnati OH 96.9 102.4 84.2 100 102.4 102.7 101.7
Cleveland OH 91.4 101.1 79.2 102.8 98 95.2 91.8
Columbia SC 91.8 99 73.4 131 81.5 85.9 97.9
Columbus OH 91.8 103.5 84.3 95.3 90.3 85.2 93.5
Dallas TX 102.1 100.1 97.3 111.4 88.6 108.3 108
Detroit MI 102.1 103.4 105.6 94.4 99.5 102.2 101.5
Greenville SC 90.8 98.3 71.7 92.2 90.3 99.6 102
Huntsville AL 91.9 99.2 75.9 98.4 94.4 93.2 99.4
Lexington KY 92 101.3 73.7 104.4 92 83.7 101.3
Little Rock AR 94.7 98.2 81.9 94.1 88.2 88.3 107
Los Angeles CA 148.9 112.2 234.5 112.4 124.3 107.9 116.2
Memphis TN 89.8 100.2 80.8 89.7 88.2 86.5 93.9
Montgomery AL 98.8 96.9 73.8 104.3 91.5 79.9 91.1
Nashville TN 98.8 100.1 106.5 102.1 91.8 90.8 94.4
Newark NJ 115.5 102.1 139.8 110.7 108.3 95.9 107.4
Oklahoma City OK 85.1 93.2 67 96.6 98 104.6 86.9
Philadelphia PA 101.5 102 96.3 110.4 106.7 93.5 102.8
Pittsburgh PA 98 99.7 92.2 125.4 107.4 91.4 92.9
Richmond VA 95.8 100.5 83.8 104.8 99.7 95.6 100.3
St. Louis MO 88.9 96.9 75.8 101.7 93.5 88.7 91.5

Source:  Cost of Living Index, Council for Community and Economic Research, 2023 Annual Average Data