Workforce and Training

Whether you need a highly skilled worker for your manufacturing facility, a well trained employee for your regional office or a talented technical professional, the diverse labor force of the 15-county Knoxville region can meet your needs.

East Tennessee companies draw employees from a large geographical area (32 counties). The region's skilled labor force has been key in retaining companies as well as attracting new businesses.

An exceptionally strong work ethic, affordability, greater productivity and a higher degree of company loyalty are major competitive advantages for companies located in the Knoxville region.


  • Flexible, growing workforce of 580,000
  • Easy accessibility and a tradition of commuting throughout 15-county region
  • 70,000 college students
  • Diverse population
  • Available skilled laborers


  • Low unionization
  • Very low worker turnover and absenteeism rates
  • Highly ranked training programs
  • Competitive workers compensation rates
  • Affordable and competitive wages
  • Manufacturing workforce of over 65,000




College Students


Technical Professionals


Employed in Manufacturing

Right-to-Work State