Blount County seeing more businesses opening locations

Soon, people in Alcoa will have a chance to enjoy fresh falafel from one of Knoxville's most prominent restaurants — Yassin's Falafel House. It is opening a new branch in the area, following a trend of businesses opening in Blount County.

"It is great to see people get started in one spot and find a place to expand to," said Jeff Muir at the Blount County Chamber. "Blount County has been one of those places where people choose to expand."

He said the area sees growth in population every year and as more people move to the area, more businesses tend open.

"People are seeing that it is a growing community. I think the cities and counties are working together to make sure things are growing correctly, and people want to be a part of that," he said.

Several business owners with established presences in Knoxville said they are planning to open new locations in Blount County. For example, the owners of Yassin's Falafel House said they saw an opportunity to expand and wanted to take it. They plan to open their new location in the Hamilton Crossing Shopping Center.

"Hamilton Crossing has definitely grown over the last few years. We've seen Culver's come in and Alcoa has their Springbrook Farms, which is a mixed-use facility," said Muir.

Tourism rates can also impact the number of opportunities business owners see in Blount County. Recent data from the state Department of Tourism Development shows that visitors to Blount County spend more than $300 million.

"When you go on vacation, you never stay in one spot. You're always moving around," said Muir. "People like to move around and go to different things."

Source: WBIR, by Jacinta Render

The East Tennessee Economic Development Agency markets and recruits business for the 15 counties in the greater Knoxville-Oak Ridge region of East Tennessee. Visit


Published August 11, 2022